
Monday, May 22, 2017

Things To Do in Sac: Stone Lake Farms

***This post is a re-post from my other blog that is now inactive.*** 

On the very edge of Elk Grove, there's a great little farm called Stone Lake Farms.  Honestly, I'm not sure how other farms work but I think this farm has an interesting concept.  You can go on their website and order produce, they will pick it fresh when you order, and you come pick it up.  The owner, Cliff Wilcox, says that he likes to have produce picked off the vine into your hands within 3 hours.  It does not get much fresher than that!

My family and I went on a tour of Stone Lake Farms.  You can request a tour and take your kids out there to learn about farming.  On our tour, we learned that Cliff's family moved to the farm in 1953 and he bought it from his parents in 1965.  The family has been in agriculture in California for over 100 years!  Stone Lake Farms is also trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible.  Not only are the fruits and vegetables never sprayed with pesticides or preservatives, but even his fertilizers are chemical free.  They use algae from the local ponds as fertilizer which helps not only the farm but the local communities have a place to get rid of their algae where it does good.  Cliff is building his own irrigation system to make the farm drought friendly.  The farm runs on solar panels including their well and pumps.  All the chickens are free range and by that I mean they are walking all around the farm, hanging out, and eating the food that Cliff grows for them on the farm.
We were able to get zucchini, french round, yellow crock neck, and yellow sunburst squash  right off the vine while we were there.  They also have garlic, onions, eggs, and honey.  In a few weeks, they'll have tomatoes, cucumber, sweet potatoes, and melons.  They are also growing asparagus which will be ready next year.  You can order on their website, pick your pickup date, and the items will be picked fresh for you on pickup day.

ETA: Due to the severe flooding in the winter and spring, produce is limited.  However, you can still visit, get the tour, and get eggs.  I know tomatoes and some summer crops were planted as well.

Here's where you can find Stone Lake Farms:

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  1. Such a cool post Ashley! Can't wait to check out the farm very soon!

  2. That's so cool you can buy fresh produce from the farm and take a tour! I want to visit this place!

    1. You should! Your kids would love it and I think it would really help them if you wanted to post. We could do a playdate while you're in the area!

  3. Such a neat place, that's pretty great that they'll have the produce picked and to you so quickly! It's too bad about the flooding, our state sure needed all the water but it really impacted a lot of people.

  4. I love visiting nearby farms! Wish we lived closer.

  5. This sounds fun! I wish we had more farms in our area like this!

  6. We have a local farm we just love!
