Hi friends! I hope you are well! Today, I'm continuing my Saving Money with Apps series (for Part 1, click HERE) by talking about Shopkick.
***NOTE: These are NOT sponsored posts. These are tips on saving money that I have tested and work for me. During these posts, I will use my referral links if possible. You do not have to sign up under my link if you don't want to (but I would be really grateful if you did.) I'm just trying to help other people save money because I enjoy saving money.***
Shopkick is a different way to "save money" because you earn "Kicks" and you can cash them in for gift cards. I personally use Shopkick to feed my Starbucks addiction. I've gotten a BUNCH of Starbucks gift cards from them.
HOW IT WORKS: There are different ways to earn kicks and they are pretty easy.
1. Walk Ins. Shopkick offers a certain about of kicks when you walk into certain stores like Target. I'm at Target A LOT for diapers, groceries, etc... so this is SO convenient for me. All you have to do is open the app when you walk into the store and it will give you the kicks. The kicks are added with the phone recognizes the PA system at the store so if it doesn't work right away, find a place where you can hear the PA system really well and it should work. There are walk in kicks for lots of stores like Old Navy, Best Buy, Macy's, etc... They are location based, so the app will pick the stores that are close to you.
2. Scans. There are items in stores that you can scan for kicks. You just find the item for example Covergirl Foundation and you scan it with your phone's camera and it will give you kicks. You do not have to buy the items. You just can them and you get the points.
3. Purchases. If you link up your card to Shopkick, they will give you kicks when you purchase certain from certain stores. For example, if you spend $50 at Target with the card you linked you can earn 200 kicks and 1 kick for every dollar at Best Buy. This is awesome if you already buy things from these stores.
4. Going through lookbooks. The different stores will put together lookbooks of products in their store. Look for the lookbooks with a blue star in the corner. The blue star means that lookbook has a bonus in it. Usually it's only 1-5 kicks but if you are just stuck somewhere doing nothing (ie waiting for your kids to get out of school) then looking through the books is a fast and easy way to earn a couple kicks.
OTHER Bonuses:
A. Coupons. A lot of the places in my town have coupons through Shopkick. Things like $10 off $50 at Sports Authority, 20% off at American Eagle, or $1 off Huggies diapers at Target. You know me, I love coupons!
B. Gift Cards. Sometimes Shopkick will offer a gift card just for walking into a location. I've gotten SEVERAL $2 Target gift cards just for walking in. It happens a couple times a year but $2 free is still $2 free!
C. Donations. If you don't want to use your kicks for yourself, you can donate them to charities like Ronald Mc Donald House or Red Cross.
I hope this post helps you! :D If you would like me to invite you to Shopkick, either leave a comment with your email or email me. Have a great day, friends!
***NOTE: These are NOT sponsored posts. These are tips on saving money that I have tested and work for me. During these posts, I will use my referral links if possible. You do not have to sign up under my link if you don't want to (but I would be really grateful if you did.) I'm just trying to help other people save money because I enjoy saving money.***

HOW IT WORKS: There are different ways to earn kicks and they are pretty easy.
1. Walk Ins. Shopkick offers a certain about of kicks when you walk into certain stores like Target. I'm at Target A LOT for diapers, groceries, etc... so this is SO convenient for me. All you have to do is open the app when you walk into the store and it will give you the kicks. The kicks are added with the phone recognizes the PA system at the store so if it doesn't work right away, find a place where you can hear the PA system really well and it should work. There are walk in kicks for lots of stores like Old Navy, Best Buy, Macy's, etc... They are location based, so the app will pick the stores that are close to you.
2. Scans. There are items in stores that you can scan for kicks. You just find the item for example Covergirl Foundation and you scan it with your phone's camera and it will give you kicks. You do not have to buy the items. You just can them and you get the points.
3. Purchases. If you link up your card to Shopkick, they will give you kicks when you purchase certain from certain stores. For example, if you spend $50 at Target with the card you linked you can earn 200 kicks and 1 kick for every dollar at Best Buy. This is awesome if you already buy things from these stores.
4. Going through lookbooks. The different stores will put together lookbooks of products in their store. Look for the lookbooks with a blue star in the corner. The blue star means that lookbook has a bonus in it. Usually it's only 1-5 kicks but if you are just stuck somewhere doing nothing (ie waiting for your kids to get out of school) then looking through the books is a fast and easy way to earn a couple kicks.
OTHER Bonuses:
A. Coupons. A lot of the places in my town have coupons through Shopkick. Things like $10 off $50 at Sports Authority, 20% off at American Eagle, or $1 off Huggies diapers at Target. You know me, I love coupons!
B. Gift Cards. Sometimes Shopkick will offer a gift card just for walking into a location. I've gotten SEVERAL $2 Target gift cards just for walking in. It happens a couple times a year but $2 free is still $2 free!
C. Donations. If you don't want to use your kicks for yourself, you can donate them to charities like Ronald Mc Donald House or Red Cross.
I hope this post helps you! :D If you would like me to invite you to Shopkick, either leave a comment with your email or email me. Have a great day, friends!
Sounds interesting! I'd love an invite... inglishrea at yahoo dot com. Thanks! :)