These amazing girls have ALREADY gotten enough money to build a well. Now, they want to build TWO wells. They aren't celebs or philanthropists, they are just moms who wanna make the world a better place and THEY ARE. That's what is just amazing me, they have ALREADY surpassed their goal.
When I was a little girl, I said that I wanted to save the world and over time my optimistic nature wore off and I became cynical. I thought that since I was just one person, I could no longer do that. But look at these six. One of them is a friend I've had for years. Just a regular person with a good heart and they have already raised enough money to give water to 390 people. If that's not saving the world, I don't know WHAT is!
And if donating to get that good feeling in your heart wasn't enough, they have a blog candy. For every $10 you donate, you get entered one time to win these AMAZING prize packs full of awesome handmade goodies! So, if you win, feel free to split the goods with me. And if you don't, you are QUITE welcome for the chance I've given you to take back that optimistic nature and start saving the world again.
But...what if I already got your birthday present?