
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Things to Do in Sac: Gather Nights

I've been meaning to write this blog post for so long but I have been so busy!  I wanted to continue my Things to Do in Sac series with one of my FAVORITE  events in Sacramento, Gather Nights.  I wanted to write this because the next one is coming up on July 13 and if you haven't ever been to Gather, you must go!  I've only been to the Gather in Oak Park but I haven't been to the new Gather in Rocklin yet since it was canceled last month.

Gather is an outdoor festival where there is live music and DJs, food vendors (tented and food trucks), beer, wine, and cocktail vendors, a craft area that sometimes has vendors, and a kid area.  It's from 5pm to 9pm and the event itself is free, you can walk around and enjoy the music, the company, and enjoy the ambiance.  Everything else is something you'd have to purchase should you choose to partake.  Parking can be a bit rough so unless you get there early, be prepared to walk a bit.

Some of my very favorite food vendors can be found at Gather.  I usually hit up Masa Guiseria, Wheel Lemonade, and The Rustic Puff.  Afterwards, I check out the food trucks which vary a bit from time to time.  Next, we grab a drink sometimes a lemonade or sometimes an adult beverage.  Then we make our way to the long communal tables.  I love the communal tables!  It adds so much to your experience!  I always end up talking to someone new because that's who I am as a person, let's be honest.

Personally, I don't bring my kids to Gather because I like to enjoy myself...LOL!  But really, I talk to a lot of vendors, chat with local photographers, and I usually see friends there who I chat with.  My kids do not enjoy waiting around while I chit chat.  It's not their thing.  They also don't like artisan type food and drinks.  They prefer kid food.  And while there is an awesome kid area at Gather, I like to wander around and chat and I would not leave my children unsupervised there.  That's just my own personal preference since I don't think they are old enough to be there on their own.  If they came, my hubby or I would have to stay with them in the kids zone which costs money for games.  Doing the art projects are really inexpensive but they cost money too, I think about $5 each.  After all the activities and food TIMES THREE, I think it's cost effective to get a sitter for them so hubby and I can have a date night.  Also, Gather is on a Thursday night and my kids have year round school so it's actually a school night for them most of the Gather Nights.

However, if you wanted to bring your kids, it is a great environment.  I've seen lots of kids there having a great time.  Like I said there are games for them to play, there are crafts for them to do, there's a little dress up area, sometimes there is a balloon animal twister, etc...  I've also seen lots of kids dance it up on the dance floor.  Also, since Gather is outside, it is a dog friendly event.

For me, Gather is all about the vibe.  Everyone is relaxing and having a great time.  There's music playing and the delta breeze starts coming in.  It's just always a nice night.  It's probably my very favorite date night in Sacramento so I'm linking this up to my friend Justine's How to Revive Date Night link up party.

What's your favorite date night?  Or does your town have special outdoor festivals like this?  Let me know!

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