
Monday, February 20, 2017

How To: Help Your Friends Who Blog (5 FREE and Easy Ways)

I hope that this post isn't weird coming from a blogger.  I've been blogging for almost 10 years and while that seems like a long time, blogging is still a relatively new thing when it comes to occupation or making some supplemental income.  This post is going to cover how to help your friends who are bloggers.  I think that most people WANT to help their friends but they don't know how.  I also think if people knew HOW then they would.

Here are some FREE AND EASY ways to help your friends who blog:

1. Read their work.  Most bloggers spend hours writing a post.  Rewriting.  Editing.  Taking photos.  Editing photos.  Making graphics.  Making projects.  Formulating recipes.  Reviewing products.  Whatever it is they do.  The only reason is so that people will read it.  This is their work or their passion or often both.  And they just want you to see it.  While you're at it, click around and read another post they wrote.

2. Leave a comment.  It's hard to tell that someone has been to your blog unless they leave a comment.  Comments are a huge form of validation that tells someone "Hey, I saw your hard work and I wanted to let you know that I saw it."  Just imagine when you're at work and your boss or coworker tells you that you've done a good job.  For bloggers, there is no one at your office.  A comment says that your work doesn't go unnoticed.

3. Like and share on social media.  Most bloggers share their posts on social media.  If you "like" a post you see on social media, there's more chance of people seeing it.  If you "share" a post on social media; your friends, family and followers are exponentially more likely to see it.

4. Become a follower or subscribe via email.  Numbers matter when you are trying work with different companies.  If you like someone's blog then following is a way to show people that they deserve more attention.  While following a celebrity might not mean much to them since you're in a sea of millions of fans, following a blogger means a lot especially if they only have a few people following them and supporting them.

5. If you have an interest in products or services they posted, use their link to purchase or sign up.  Using these links will NEVER cost you any extra money, in fact some times they will even SAVE you money since companies will give bloggers a coupon to pass onto their readers.  Usually the blogger will get very little if you do use their link, but some credit is better than no credit.  The hope is the a little bit from each person who visits will build up.

I hope that this post helps give a little insight to the world of blogging and gives you things to do if you were looking for ways to help out your friends.  

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  1. What a great post! And, totally on point! I can tell you write from your heart, and your posts are interesting and informative! Keep up the good work my blogger friend!!

  2. Great post! #2 is definitely my favorite. I blog for fun and it makes me happy if someone reads a post of mine and has something nice to say about it. Adulting is tough some days and a simple comment can totally make someone's day. And #5 - YES! If I'm going to sign up for a new service, I always check blogs and see if someone uses that service so I can give them credit for me signing up!

  3. YES and thank you, Ashley! Going to share this on my FB page too!

  4. I try to leave comments on a multitude of blogs each day and I love when I get comments too! I need to get better at sharing on social media.

  5. This is so good! I am going to share with my family and friends! I've just started blogging...more than the once a month post...and could use all the hype i can get!

  6. Such a great post and so, so true! OH my goodness, share, share, share people! SO much work goes into blog posts and it's so appreciated when people share it!

  7. All the yeses!! I try so hard to comment on many of my friends blogs. I always smile when a non-blogging friend likes or shares a post. :)

  8. This is such a helpful list! I think a lot of people who aren't familiar with the blogging world just don't know that the simplest things (like sharing or commenting) can make such a big difference.

  9. This spot on! I have a great readership and can say that many of my friends and family read and support my blog!
