
Monday, January 4, 2016

Bring Back Nice in 2016

For my Seasonings Givings post, click here.

In May of 2014, I did something slightly great.  I created the Bring Back Nice Facebook Page where I challenged people to do one kind thing a day, everyday.  I posted a couple challenges.  Then someone said they didn't like the challenges so I stopped.  Well, in retrospect, I think I was making the challenges WAY more complicated than they should be.  I accompanied each one with a long-winded blog post explaining everything in detail.  This is not necessary.

This year, I've decided that I'm no longer going to sit by and let the page I created dwindle.  I've gone the easy route, posting pictures or quotes every now and then.  I've been passive and quiet but that's not who I am.  I was recently inspired by The Compassion Collective where 5 amazing authors teamed together to show that when a lot of people each make a small gesture, the total can be something so very big.

I've also recently talked to my friend Taheerah Atchia about greatness and how people need to strive to achieve their greatness.  Well, who am I to tell you go to out and do something great while I sit in my house and watch Netflix?

Bring Back Nice, that's my baby step towards achieving my greatness (whatever that may be).   Each Monday, there will be a challenge on the page.  It will be a simple thing you can do in your everyday life to make the world a better place.  Anyone will be able to do it.  It will not be something you need to be a certain age, live in a certain place, have a certain amount of money, or any other requirement.  The challenges will be about bringing people back to the goodness they have inside of them that anger, resentment, and cynicism have tried to erase.  Please join me on this journey as we take baby steps towards a kinder and better world.


  1. What a terrific idea, I am in! I came by looking for the blog hop and saw this and had to read it. I will go find the other post, but I am SO glad I saw this, God bless you for trying to make a difference and for encouraging all of us to what we can to make the world a better place.

  2. Love it, and you're setting a great example for your kiddos.

  3. I think this is a great idea as well! Thanks for sharing this and reminding us all that each and every one of us CAN make a difference in someone else's day!

  4. I think this is a great idea as well! Thanks for sharing this and reminding us all that each and every one of us CAN make a difference in someone else's day!
