
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

CTMH Christmas Cards

Hi friends!  I hope that you are doing well!  We are ok other than the little germs that are so persistent this time of year.  Hopefully, we will be germ free on Christmas.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!  Last year, Parker was sick on Christmas and we missed out on the big family celebration.  He can I stayed behind at home where he slept and threw up.  Here's to a better Christmas!  ;)

Speaking of Christmas, today I'm sharing a couple cards I made with my friend Rachel at her crop.  I actually made these cards in November but forgot to post them.  The first one is the one that Rachel designed as her make and take.  I put it together and colored it.  She has one each month featuring her Close to My Heart products.  The second card is my twist on her card which is what I usually do each month so I can blog it and feel like I'm sharing something original.

My card actually came about because Rachel accidentally cut the card base the wrong way so I figured I'd make a card that's horizontal.  I also wanted to use a different stamp to change it up.  Both cards are made with the CTMH Reindeer Bells stamp set, Red Glitter Paper, and White Pines paper.  I used some of Rachel's Touch Twin markers to color the images.  I'm a little rusty.

I hope you're having a great month!  I have a few more Christmas cards to share and some fun blog hops later on.  Also, I picked a winner for my Blogiversary giveaway and it is posted in the giveaway widget.  


  1. Both cards are super adorable, Ashley. If your coloring skills are "rusty" I wonder what that makes mine since I think yours looks fabby!! :) Really cute cards.

  2. Very cute cards! I hope you are doing OK, I've been totally swamped here and not out and about as much as I hope to be normally. Hope that you're able to enjoy the season despite the busyness!
